Some drivers are crazy when it comes to driving on the roads and freeways. Sometimes getting into an accident is unavoidable. According to a trusted car accident attorney, there are a few things you should do after a car accident. Here are the top five things someone who has been in an automobile accident should do.
1. Check the safety of your passengers.
2. Call 911. You always want to have the police at the scene because they will do a number of important things like interviewing the occupants, witnesses, and documenting facts.
3. Some injuries may appear after laying dormant for hours, so it’s important to seek medical help. It’s common for you to be okay at the scene of the crash, so the pain might not manifest itself until days later. Not treating your injury can result in serious medical problems later down the line.
4. Take pictures
Most accidents involve two vehicles, so you want to be able to measure the size and the scope of the damage and have pictures of the surrounding area. It’ll be hard to remember things days later after the adrenaline from the accident has passed.
5. Give your insurance company all of the factual information and fill out the Driver Exchange of Information form. Don’t sign anything until you know your injuries and have spoken with a trusted car accident attorney.