How Exactly Does a Truck Transmission Work?

Truck’s transmissions have a variety of mechanisms that allow it to properly function. This video will help to demonstrate this. There are four primary components at the front of the vehicle: the clutch pedal, transmission, drive shaft, and engine clutch. The shift pattern indicates the amount of power that will be given to the drive shaft during operation. The higher the gear allows for faster movement of the vehicle.

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The stick shift will have a Hi/Lo selection switch to easily preselect the desired gear.

The front section of the truck transmission is home to five main gears ranging from one through five on low and six through ten on high. The auxiliary section can change the ratio of the gears. The front section also contains a main shaft and an auxiliary direct for high gear. There is also a reduction for low gear. The auxiliary countershaft assemblies work to rotate the full device. The main shaft is outlined by a sliding clutch (pie plate) and a high range synchronizer. These parts also utilize clutching teeth and friction material to ensure proper motion. There are also low range and high range mating surfaces in place.

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